EE III International
23 — 28 Maret 2008.
Pieters Pin memenuhi undangan untuk berkunjung ke Presbyterian Reformed Sarang Church (Gereja Kasih) di Seoul, Korea Selatan, dan bertemu dengan DR. John Oak (alumnus Calvin Theological Seminary dan peraih Doktor Honoris Causa Westminster Theological Seminary, USA), pendiri Sarang Church. Gereja ini adalah pelaksana-terbaik-dalam-menerapkan-EE di Asia. Berdasarkan deret ukur sesuai yang diajarkan oleh EE, gereja yang dimulai dari hanya 9 orang pada tahun 1978 ini, kini telah berduplikasi mencapai 70.000 anggota jemaat. Studi banding ini makin menyempurnakan pelatihan EEMetro di Indonesia. (Lihat Mengenal PEMetro).
DR. John Oak (South Korea)
Founder of Sarang Church
“Sarang Church has received abundant blessings through the Evangelism Explosion program. The celebration of the birth of new believers never ceases because these trained lay leaders continue to run the race of faith with passion to share the gospel. There are some who even cross national boundaries to ignite the fire of the gospel in different countries. This method has the power to open people’s mouths and is spring from which the joy of salvation constantly overflows. I am confident that an astonishing number of souls will continue to return to the heart of God through this training.”
EE III International adalah cara bersaksi melalui obrolan menyenangkan dalam suasana persahabatan sehingga orang yang dilayani merasa nyaman berkomunikasi.
DR. James Kennedy (USA)
Founder of EE III International
“A survey done by Christianity Today demonstrated that EE is today the most widely used tool for training pastors and laity for evangelism. EE not only empowers trainees to gain confidence in presenting the Gospel, it enables them to become trainers of other soul-winners, thus setting entire churches on fire for evangelistic outreach to friends and neighbours.”
DR. John Sorenson (USA)
President of EE III International
“For more than 50 years, EE has been helping people tell their stories to transform others with the Gospel. All of this is possible by God’s grace and your support … to train people to share their stories and change lives forever. People will not flock in the doors with approaches like seeker sensitive services. Instead, we must engage with people and share the Gospel with them.”
Kelas EE
- Lokakarya Quantum EE 14 unit
- Test tertulis 2 unit
- Test lisan
- On the job training
- Pelaporan hasil visitasi disertai evaluasi dan doa bersama
- Menghafal semua ayat
- Rasio pelatih & peserta adalah 1:2
- Presensi lengkap
DR. Billy Graham (USA)
Founder of BGEA
“Pastor Kennedy has recaptured the biblical concept that the church’s primary task is every-member evangelism. ‘The church having come to Christ, is to go for Christ’.